The chiropractic meaning of things

What is a subluxation?


A vertebral subluxation is a condition of a vertebrae that involves:
a. Misalignment with co-respondents above and/or below
b. Whereby there is an encroachment of a passageway through which nerves pass,
c. Resulting in pressure/impingement upon nerves, and
d. Creating interference with the transmission of mental impulses

In simpler terms, a subluxation occurs when there is MOPI: a vertebrae is misaligned and occludes (blocks) the opening for nerves, putting pressure on nerves and interfering with the transmission of mental impulses. A mental impulse consists of both a nerve impulse (quantifiable/measurable) and information (non-quantifiable/non-measureable).

What causes a subluxation? 

Thoughts, toxins and traumas (aka the 3Ts) abound. Yet they don’t always cause subluxations because your body was engineered to adapt to them and heal itself. However, your body can fail to adapt to the 3 Ts, leading to subluxations. Failure to adapt to 3Ts can show up symptomatically (as pain, or dysfuction) or asymptomatically (there is no symptom and the only way to find out is to get checked by a chiropractor).

How does subluxation relate to how you feel/ pain?
What are the four types of people that exist?)

BJ Palmer says it best in his Green Books. This gem is from The Subluxation Specific – The Adjustment Specific. 

Vertebral Subluxations and Feeling


It is easy for Chiropractors to understand first and third statements, viz., that WITH a subluxation a person can be sick; and WITHOUT one, can be well.

But the reverse is hard to understand. Interval of TIME makes difference.

Let us analyze second statement. A subluxation may occur at 6:00 A.M., January 1st. It might be days, weeks, or months before an acute or chronic condition GROWS gross enough to make manifest its existence to the educated mind of the case. A tumor might be months gradually growing, before it becomes noticeable.
Meanwhile case does not know he is sick—feels fine.

Let us analyze fourth statement. Adjustment might be given at 6:00 A.M., June 1st. One adjustment corrects subluxation. Two minutes later, NO subluxation exists. The tumor that has taken six months to grow still exists, and more than likely will exist until tumor UNgrows, which might take months, weeks. The case can be and would feel sick, and yet NO subluxation exists.